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RPCh Wagmi Example Integration

The following documentation provides an integration example of the RPCh SDK with the Wagmi library. Wagmi is a set of React Hooks for Ethereum, which allows for a more straightforward way to interface with Ethereum blockchains in React applications.

Example Integration

Find the complete example code on our GitHub here.

import SDK from "@rpch/sdk";
import { Chain, PublicClient, Transport, createClient, custom, publicActions } from "viem";
import { WagmiConfig, createConfig, mainnet } from "wagmi";
import Profile from "./Profile";
import { CLIENT_SECRET } from "./config";

const sdk = new SDK(CLIENT_SECRET);

function publicRPChClient(): PublicClient<Transport, Chain> {
return createClient({
chain: mainnet,
transport: custom({
async request({ method, params }) {
try {
const response = await sdk.send({ method, params, jsonrpc: "2.0" });
const responseJson = await response.json();

return "error" in responseJson
? responseJson.error
: responseJson.result;
} catch (e) {
}, {
retryCount: 3,
retryDelay: 3_000,

const config = createConfig({
autoConnect: true,
publicClient: publicRPChClient(),

export default function App() {
return (
<WagmiConfig config={config}>
<Profile />

Example Breakdown

Importing Required Modules

Begin by importing the necessary modules from the viem and wagmi libraries, and the SDK from @rpch/sdk:

import SDK from "@rpch/sdk";
import { Chain, PublicClient, Transport, createClient, custom, publicActions } from "viem";
import { WagmiConfig, createConfig, mainnet } from "wagmi";

Initializing the RPCh SDK

Initialize the RPCh SDK with the client secret, you can get a client secret from your dashboard at

const sdk = new SDK(CLIENT_SECRET);

Configuring the PublicClient for Viem

Set up a PublicClient with a custom transport method to intercept and forward blockchain requests through the RPCh network:

function publicRPChClient(): PublicClient<Transport, Chain> {
return createClient({
chain: mainnet,
transport: custom(
async request({ method, params }) {
try {
const response = await sdk.send({ method, params, jsonrpc: "2.0" });
const responseJson = await response.json();

return "error" in responseJson
? responseJson.error
: responseJson.result;
} catch (e) {
retryCount: 3,
retryDelay: 3_000,

The custom transport method does the following:

  • It sends the request to the RPCh network using the sdk.send method.
  • It then waits for the response and parses the JSON.
  • The method either returns the result of the call or the error if one occurs.
  • There is also a retry strategy implemented in case of transient network issues.

Creating Wagmi Config

Create a Wagmi configuration that uses the PublicClient from Viem:

const config = createConfig({
autoConnect: true,
publicClient: publicRPChClient(),

This configuration includes:

  • autoConnect: Automatically connects to the user's Ethereum provider when the app starts.
  • publicClient: Utilizes the publicRPChClient which is configured to use the RPCh network.

Constructing the App Component

Define the App component which wraps the Profile component with WagmiConfig:

export default function App() {
return (
<WagmiConfig config={config}>
<Profile />

The WagmiConfig component provides the Wagmi context to the Profile component, enabling it to interact with Ethereum through the configured RPCh network.

Using the Example

To use this particular example:

(1) Add your CLIENT_SECRET in the config.ts file.

(2) Run yarn && yarn dev

(3) Start your application and ensure that the Profile component makes use of the Wagmi hooks to interact with the Ethereum blockchain via RPCh.