📄️ Getting Started
This section of the documentation is dedicated to helping you integrate RPCh into your favourite web3 project. You can integrate RPCh into any JS-based project which needs to send requests to an RPC provider. Before attempting to integrate RPCh into a wallet, you should familiarise yourself with the following:
📄️ RPCh Vanilla JS SDK Example Integration
This guide provides instructions on how to integrate and use the RPCh SDK in a Node.js environment without any additional blockchain libraries such as ethers.js, web3.js, or the wagmi library.
📄️ RPCh Ethers Example Integration
This is an example of integrating the RPCh SDK into a project which uses the ethers library. In this example an RPCh ethers adapter is created as an extension of the original JsonRPCProvider, which allows clients to use drop-in and replace so that they can send their RPC requests through the RPCh network.
📄️ RPCh Viem Example Integration
This example showcases how to integrate the RPCh SDK with the viem library to create a custom PublicClient. The integration allows for utilizing the Viem library to send requests through the RPCh network instead of directly to an Ethereum RPC provider.
📄️ RPCh Wagmi Example Integration
The following documentation provides an integration example of the RPCh SDK with the Wagmi library. Wagmi is a set of React Hooks for Ethereum, which allows for a more straightforward way to interface with Ethereum blockchains in React applications.
📄️ RPCh Web3 Eth/Core Example Integration
The following documentation provides an integration example of the RPCh SDK with the Web3 Eth/Core library. web3.js - Eth is a sub-package of web3.js, and contains modules to interact with the Ethereum blockchain and smart contracts.
📄️ RPCh json-rpc-2.0 Example Integration
The following documentation provides an integration example of the RPCh SDK with the json-rpc-2.0 library, which is lets your client and server talk over function calls under JSON-RPC 2.0 spec.
📄️ RPCh Example Integration - React & Viem dApp
The following documentation provides an integration example of the RPCh SDK into a ReactJS dApp which uses the viem library. This integration will let your client and server talk over function calls over RPCh Infra, but without any changes to web3 functions.