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Version: Beta

RPCh Ethers Example Integration

This is an example of integrating the RPCh SDK into a project which uses the ethers library. In this example an RPCh ethers adapter is created as an extension of the original JsonRPCProvider, which allows clients to use drop-in and replace so that they can send their RPC requests through the RPCh network.

Example Integration

You can view the entirety of the example code within our GitHub here.

import SDK, { JRPC } from '@rpch/sdk';
import { JsonRpcProvider, JsonRpcPayload, JsonRpcResult } from 'ethers';
import dotenv from 'dotenv';

export class RPChProvider extends JsonRpcProvider {
public readonly url: string,
public readonly sdk: SDK,
) {

* sends singular or multiple requests through RPCh network
async _send(payload: JsonRpcPayload | Array<JsonRpcPayload>): Promise<Array<JsonRpcResult>> {
try {
const payloads = Array.isArray(payload) ? payload : [payload];
const responses = await Promise.all( (payload) => (await this.sdk.send(payload)).json()),
// responses need to have a response property
// and the id needs to be a number to meet the type
// requirements for JsonRpcResult
return => ({
id: Number(,
result: JRPC.isError(res) ? res.error : res.result,
} catch (error) {
console.warn('Error:', error);
this.emit('debug', {
action: 'response',
error: error,
provider: this,

throw error;

* Example of how to use RPChProvider
async function example() {
// This client secret can be found in your dashboard
const sdk = new SDK(process.env.CLIENT_SECRET!);
const provider = new RPChProvider('', sdk);
const blockNumber = await provider.send('eth_blockNumber', []);
const balance = await provider.getBalance('0x00000000219ab540356cbb839cbe05303d7705fa');
return {blockNumber, balance};

.then((res) => console.log(res))
.catch((err) => console.error(err));

Example Breakdown

Importing Required Modules

Start by importing the necessary modules from the @rpch/sdk, ethers, and dotenv packages:

import SDK, { JRPC } from '@rpch/sdk';
import { JsonRpcProvider, JsonRpcPayload, JsonRpcResult } from 'ethers';
import dotenv from 'dotenv';

Configuring the Environment

Load the environment variables from your .env file where your CLIENT_SECRET is stored:


Extending JsonRpcProvider

Define the RPChProvider class extending the JsonRpcProvider class from the ethers library. This class takes a URL and an instance of the SDK as parameters.

export class RPChProvider extends JsonRpcProvider {
public readonly url: string,
public readonly sdk: SDK
) {

Overriding the _send Method

Override the _send method to handle the sending of RPC requests. The method can take either a singular JsonRpcPayload or an array of JsonRpcPayload objects.

async _send(payload: JsonRpcPayload | Array<JsonRpcPayload>): Promise<Array<JsonRpcResult>> {
try {
const payloads = Array.isArray(payload) ? payload : [payload];
const responses = await Promise.all( (payload) => (await this.sdk.send(payload)).json()),
// responses need to have a response property
// and the id needs to be a number to meet the type
// requirements for JsonRpcResult
return => ({
id: Number(,
result: JRPC.isError(res) ? res.error : res.result,
} catch (error) {
this.emit('debug', {
action: 'response',
error: error,
provider: this,

throw error;

Within this method:

  • Normalize the payload to always be an array.
  • Send each payload through the RPCh network using the SDK.
  • Format the responses to comply with the JsonRpcResult type.
  • Handle any errors that occur during the request process.

Example Usage

The example function demonstrates how to use the RPChProvider, in this case for a simple request to get the latest Ethereum block number and the balance of a specific Ethereum address:

  • Initialize the SDK with the client secret obtained from the RPCh dashboard.
  • Create an instance of RPChProvider with the RPC URL and initialized SDK.
  • Send a request using the provider instance.
  • Log the result or any caught errors.
async function example() {
// This client secret can be found in your dashboard
const sdk = new SDK(process.env.CLIENT_SECRET!);
const provider = new RPChProvider('', sdk);
const blockNumber = await provider.send('eth_blockNumber', []);
const balance = await provider.getBalance('0x00000000219ab540356cbb839cbe05303d7705fa');
return {blockNumber, balance};

.then((res) => console.log(res))
.catch((err) => console.error(err));

Similar to this example, you can now use the RPCh SDK for any requests you would otherwise make directly to your RPC provider. Once you have integrated RPCh, as done above, you can continue using the methods from the ethers library such as .send() or .getBalance just as you normally would throughout your codebase, and these requests will automatically be routed through RPCh.

Using the Example

To use this particular example:

(1) Edit the .env file to include your Client Secret which you can obtain from the dashboard at

(2) Run yarn && yarn dev