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Version: Alpha

RPCh Ethereum-Provider Adapter


The RPCh ethereum provider adaptor is an extension of the ethereum-provider. The goal of this adaptor is to provide a plug-and-play experience for projects that currently use the ethereum provider.

How to Use the RPCh Ethereum Provider Adaptor

You will need to have Node.js and npm/yarn installed on your computer. You can download them from their official website or use a package manager like Homebrew (for Mac) or Chocolatey (for Windows).

Install Necessary Packages

yarn add @rpch/crypto-for-nodejs @rpch/ethereum-provider

Get your rpch client by running

curl --request GET \

or go to and follow the docker guide

Using the Adapter

You can create an instance of this adaptor by passing in the required options and key-value store functions:

import * as RPChCrypto from "@rpch/crypto-for-nodejs";
import { RPChEthereumProvider } from "@rpch/ethereum-provider";

const PROVIDER_URL = '';
const TIMEOUT = 10000;

const provider = new RPChEthereumProvider(
crypto: RPChCrypto,
client: "your_client_name",
timeout: TIMEOUT,
discoveryPlatformApiEndpoint: DISCOVERY_PLATFORM_API_ENDPOINT,
  • PROVIDER_URL: a string representing the URL of the provider we want to connect to.
  • HoprSdkOps: an object containing the options for the RPCh SDK instance. It includes:
    • crypto: The RPChCrypto module is required for cryptographic operations. Learn more about what module to pass here
    • client: A string that identifies the client using the SDK. This is used for statistics and logging.
  • timeout: The timeout for requests in milliseconds.
  • discoveryPlatformApiEndpoint: The URL for the discovery platform API.
  • setKeyVal: a function that sets a key-value pair in storage.
  • getKeyVal: a function that retrieves the value corresponding to a key from storage.

The setKeyValFunction and getKeyValFunction functions are used to store and retrieve key-value pairs for the SDK. These are used to store counters for outgoing requests and responses.

// This is an example of a simple way to set these functions
async function setKeyVal(key: string, val: string): Promise<void> {
localStorage.setItem(key, val);
async function getKeyVal(key: string): Promise<string | undefined> {
return localStorage.getItem(key);

After creating the instance, you can use the provider just like you would use a regular Ethereum provider:

method: "eth_accounts",
params: [],
id: 1,
jsonrpc: "2.0"
(error, response) => {
if (error) {
} else {
// do whatever you want with the response
return response

In addition, the adaptor emits the following events:

  • connect: Emitted when the provider is connected.
  • payload: Emitted when a payload is received from RPCh.
  • close: Emitted when the provider is closed.